Ethos Hub

Cloud Developer, accelerating the sustainable energy transition with data-driven methods.

November 2021 - ongoing

I am a part-time intern at Ethos Hub, , a non-profit funded by AWS, developing data-driven solutions to accelerate Rhode Island’s sustainable energy transition.

Resilience in Extreme Weather Events via Vegetation Management

Working with utility providers in the regions, we are developing data-driven solutions to identify ash tree species near power lines, which are the major culprit in taking down power lines during extreme weather events.

Rhode Island’s EV Adoption

In anticipation of mass electric vehicle (EV) adoption across the US, American Automobile Association (AAA) is teaming up with Ethos Hub to build predicative models to better plan EV charging infrastructure.

Mitigating Sound Pollution in Block Island’s Wind Turbines

Offshore megawatt wind turbines are known to produce significant sound pollution. In this future project, we will focus on mitigating its adverse effects on marine mammals.